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Who is Madalena?

Have a quick peek of her 3 hats

Born on April 22nd, in the heart of Lisbon, Madalena Rodrigues de Morais Botelho de Sousa, is a Portuguese artist - Singer & Presenter - from Cascais, who performs in Europe, in the most exquisite and high-end private events.

But how did she became to be the woman she is today? Let's have a quick peek of her path.

1. After her studies at Salesianos, Oficinas de S. José private school she went on completing her five years degree in Organizational Psychology at the University Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada (Lisbon).

Madalena is a psychologist, with sixteen years of experience, specialized in behavioral change, using specific techniques to develop balance, healing, inner harmony and overall happiness and fulfillment. To this end, her fourteen years of yôga practice have also been an amazing plus, bringing incredible lifelong tools.



2. During a decade she worked and developed her corporate skills both in performing different jobs as well as in different markets. She contributed to the growth of a small urban rehabilitation company in Lisbon; right after this she embraced a new project in the Estoril congress center being responsible for the international corporate market, marketing and being part of the team who developed the entire sustainability policy from scratch, making it the first European congress center to have a green certificate, at that time; She then accepted the invite of running an office centre in the heart of Lisbon and as it's Director a lot of hard work was done, proudly.

3. Gifted with a great musical versatility and having been brought up in a household filled with culture & arther artistic side could wait no longer to be fulfilled, experienced and lived! And so Madalena decided to completely change her professional path leaving the corporate world to pursue and to dedicate herself to developing her great passion - Singing - having been blessed to work with and learn from very talented people.

During this time she also had the opportunity to improve other abilities from her past, including public speaking and presentation techniques. This led her to also being invited as a presenter at corporate conventions (both in Portuguese and English).

Les Étoiles
Why don't you do right
Samba da Benção
All of me
If you wait
If the stars were mine
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